The Graphic Design program at Samford University requires that each student creates a Senior Project during their fall semester of their senior year. Each student can choose what type of project to create and what subject matter they want to focus on.

For my Senior Project, I created an interactive site where each page acts as a lyric video for the album “Heard it in a Past Life” by Maggie Rogers. 

Please only view on a laptop or desktop computer, and allow 30 seconds for buffering when playing the music as the site takes up a lot of bandwidth. 

View at or scroll to preview some of the work.

Maggie Rogers was a huge part of my college experience. From scream-singing her songs in my car to hearing her play over the speakers in the auditorium before step sing, she was there with me every step of the way. Her songs invoke so much emotion in me, that the only way to get it all out was through this monster of a project. I hope you feel all the emotions that I do. Featured on the right or below: the earliest Maggie Rogers design of mine I could find. Enjoy.

Please, if you are conducting an interview or just curious, ask me about this project. I could talk about it for hours.



johbeth Copyright Johanna Stapleton

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